Friday, October 15, 2010

Visit California - Misconceptions

This week California began airing the "Visit California" tourism ads again.  Once again they are poking fun at the misconceptions that so many people have about Cali.  They haven't done one in several years, but I am just as stumped as before as to why they air them in California.  They tell the audience to get out here, but what if we are already here.  When you live a state, you don't really visit it, it's more like you travel it.  Obviously living in CA I have no misconceptions.  Everyone does not drive a convertible because the weather is not always sunny and not always covertible weather.  On a typical day, you can't expect to see celebrites roaming the streets of CA.  They aren't everywere you go and the chances you seeing one on the street, are pretty slim, that is unless you hang out at the right spots.  That's right, don't expect to go to the beach and see Jason Mraz strumming his guitar.  However, Disneyland is that amazing, even without the Jonas Brothers.  It would be really hard for everyone to be surfer seeing that the entire population does not live at the beach.  I do get a kick out of them because really where do people get these misconceptions.  There is one problem with this, telling people to visit CA will not rid us of this misconceptions.  Because where do people want to visit in CA?  The places that have exactly these things.  And aren't these misconceptions what bring people to California?  Really none of this matters because they are showing the commercial to the people of the state.  That is something I really just don't get.  Read more to check out the latest ad.


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