Monday, October 4, 2010

Do You Have Lanteritis?

What is Lanteritis?  Glad you ask.  It is what I would like to describe as those who are devoted Matt Lanter fans.  Think the whole Bieber Fever phenomenon, but replace it with the much better looking Matt Lanter.  These are the fans who follow his twitter, career, and always know what's going on with Matt.  They are devoted Matt Fans.  

Check here if you have the symptoms:  Do you randomly get into "Matt Fests" on twitter, lust after him, dream about him, crush on him?  Are you just a little crazy about him?  Does he have the ability to reduce you to sounding like a teenage girl when you are not one?  To simply put it, do love Matt Lanter and cannot get enough of him?  If you answered yes to one or more of any of the previous questions, you may have Lanteritis. 
There is no need to worry if you are suffering from Lanteritis, we understand, we love Matt too.  You can live a perfectly healthy life as long as you don't let your symptoms get too out of control.  After all, we don't want to scare Matt away. 

There is no name yet for those who suffer from having Lanteritis, but we are working on that.  If you have any suggestions leave them here:  For the Fans of Matt Lanter.  We are hoping to spread the awareness of Lanteritis and make people more aware of the AMAZING Matt Lanter.  Do you have Lanteritis?  To ease your suffering with Lanteritis I would prescribe watching Matt on 90210 Monday Nights on the CW @ 8pm and following Matt on twitter @MattLanter.    

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