Saturday, October 2, 2010

Man Hunt

Today while at my cousins' soccer game, my uncle suggested I should meet this guy.  His exact words were "Someday this guy will make a lot of money."  My reaction, "Someday???"  Yes, someday because he is a bioengineer major at UC Davis.  While this guy does meet the education standard, things could go either way in other ways.  I'm sure he's not terrible looking, otherwise my uncle would never suggest it, but I'm sure he's no Matt Lanter either.  I could live with that though as long as I was attracted to him.  The only problem I have with this whole thing is, I don't know what degree he is working on.  If he's still working on his bachelors it would be quite some time before he would be actually done with school.  Bioengineering is not one of the degrees where you get just a bachelors.  Though I keep thinking could be my opportunity meet a guy who has excellent potential.  His career choice would allow me to follow my passion and money not be an issue.  The only problem is I really didn't sound that interested at the time when he suggested it.  Then again, it's hard to be interested in a guy when you have no clue who he is or what he is like.  I am looking and I am willing to be set up, I just don't know if I want it to be by my uncle...  

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