Friday, October 15, 2010

Catching Fire

Catching Fire is the second book of The Hunger Games series.  Much like the first book this book draws its readers in the world known as Panem.  It brings about the same raw emotions that The Hunger Games brought.  The imagery is so strong that you really can place yourself with the characters.  In Catching Fire the reader sees what life is like for Katniss following Peeta and her's victory in the hunger games.  There are many repercussions to her actions in the games and uprisings and rebellions begin because of Katniss' actions.  The Capitol is threatening Katniss and the ones she loves.  Katniss really struggles with her new life.  There is the triangle that between Katniss, Peeta and Gale.  As she tries to sort out her feelings something happens that changes everything.  Every 25 years the Capitol holds the Quarter Quell, which is basically another hunger games, but with different rules.  For the 75th Quarter Quell to competitors are a male and female victor from each district.  Katniss along with Peeta find themselves in the arena again, but this time with an alliance.  At the end Katniss is in District 13, a place that isn't suppose to exist, and Peeta has been captured by the Capitol along with another member of her alliance.  And District 12 has been destroyed.

Catching Fire was just as interesting and intense as The Hunger Games.  I really enjoyed it as the story takes you through another journey.  This book does what few do and really pulls at your emotions.  It isn't very often that I cry reading a book.  Yet, this series has managed to do just that in both of the books.  The themes of this book and series really make you think.  You can identify with the situation as we all at one point have to make important decisions in life.  We ask ourselves how much are we willing to sacrifice to save the ones we love.  How selfless or selfish are we?  Katniss has to decide whether or not to run or stand up and face the Capitol.  Once again we find Katniss willing to sacrifice her life for someone else.  Katniss is a leader and a fighter, but like in real life, it takes time for her to realize her full potential and who she really is.  There is something special about her that only others can see.  Just like in life, we must embrace who we are.  We can try to run, but reality will always find us no matter how hard we try to run. 

Visit California - Misconceptions

This week California began airing the "Visit California" tourism ads again.  Once again they are poking fun at the misconceptions that so many people have about Cali.  They haven't done one in several years, but I am just as stumped as before as to why they air them in California.  They tell the audience to get out here, but what if we are already here.  When you live a state, you don't really visit it, it's more like you travel it.  Obviously living in CA I have no misconceptions.  Everyone does not drive a convertible because the weather is not always sunny and not always covertible weather.  On a typical day, you can't expect to see celebrites roaming the streets of CA.  They aren't everywere you go and the chances you seeing one on the street, are pretty slim, that is unless you hang out at the right spots.  That's right, don't expect to go to the beach and see Jason Mraz strumming his guitar.  However, Disneyland is that amazing, even without the Jonas Brothers.  It would be really hard for everyone to be surfer seeing that the entire population does not live at the beach.  I do get a kick out of them because really where do people get these misconceptions.  There is one problem with this, telling people to visit CA will not rid us of this misconceptions.  Because where do people want to visit in CA?  The places that have exactly these things.  And aren't these misconceptions what bring people to California?  Really none of this matters because they are showing the commercial to the people of the state.  That is something I really just don't get.  Read more to check out the latest ad.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Hunger Games

With all the buzz surrounding the book trilogy, The Hunger Games, espcially with the recent release of the last installment of the triology, Mockingjay, I finally decided to pick up the first book to read.  I am really glad that I did.  I instantly became hooked to this book.  The themes in the story are thought provoking and emotions run strong through out the book.  There was one point that I found my eyes tearing up.  The plot, the issues, the characters, everything really drew me into the book.  The use of imagery allows the reader to be right there with the characters and able to see/imagine from the characters point of view.  I absolutely love this book and I believe gives the Twilight Saga some real competition.   Read more to learn a little more about the book.

Blog Make Over

Considering the number of posts I have dedicated purely to Matt Lanter I decided it was time to create a page dedicated to Matt.  This way my home page will no longer be overtaken by Matt and the other posts will have a better chance of being seen.  Because believe it or not, I do care about other things than Matt  (gasps). Yes, I love Matt enough that I felt he deserved his own space.  Plus, I like organization and categorizing things. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Do You Have Lanteritis?

What is Lanteritis?  Glad you ask.  It is what I would like to describe as those who are devoted Matt Lanter fans.  Think the whole Bieber Fever phenomenon, but replace it with the much better looking Matt Lanter.  These are the fans who follow his twitter, career, and always know what's going on with Matt.  They are devoted Matt Fans.  

Check here if you have the symptoms:  Do you randomly get into "Matt Fests" on twitter, lust after him, dream about him, crush on him?  Are you just a little crazy about him?  Does he have the ability to reduce you to sounding like a teenage girl when you are not one?  To simply put it, do love Matt Lanter and cannot get enough of him?  If you answered yes to one or more of any of the previous questions, you may have Lanteritis. 
There is no need to worry if you are suffering from Lanteritis, we understand, we love Matt too.  You can live a perfectly healthy life as long as you don't let your symptoms get too out of control.  After all, we don't want to scare Matt away. 

There is no name yet for those who suffer from having Lanteritis, but we are working on that.  If you have any suggestions leave them here:  For the Fans of Matt Lanter.  We are hoping to spread the awareness of Lanteritis and make people more aware of the AMAZING Matt Lanter.  Do you have Lanteritis?  To ease your suffering with Lanteritis I would prescribe watching Matt on 90210 Monday Nights on the CW @ 8pm and following Matt on twitter @MattLanter.    

Evolution of Facebook

On Friday the movie The Social Network was released into theaters.  I haven't seen the movie yet, but seeing all the promotion for the movies has forced me to take a trip down memory lane.  Facebook was launched in 2005, I remember this clearly.  When it first launched it was for college students only.  There was a lot of buzz about Facebook when it first started.  I remember asking what is Facebook and being told that it was like Myspace, but better.  The word of Facebook spread from one campus to another through friends who had one.  There were a couple of requirements as well.  One, you had to have a school email and two, your school had to have a network created by the site on it. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Man Hunt

Today while at my cousins' soccer game, my uncle suggested I should meet this guy.  His exact words were "Someday this guy will make a lot of money."  My reaction, "Someday???"  Yes, someday because he is a bioengineer major at UC Davis.  While this guy does meet the education standard, things could go either way in other ways.  I'm sure he's not terrible looking, otherwise my uncle would never suggest it, but I'm sure he's no Matt Lanter either.  I could live with that though as long as I was attracted to him.  The only problem I have with this whole thing is, I don't know what degree he is working on.  If he's still working on his bachelors it would be quite some time before he would be actually done with school.  Bioengineering is not one of the degrees where you get just a bachelors.  Though I keep thinking could be my opportunity meet a guy who has excellent potential.  His career choice would allow me to follow my passion and money not be an issue.  The only problem is I really didn't sound that interested at the time when he suggested it.  Then again, it's hard to be interested in a guy when you have no clue who he is or what he is like.  I am looking and I am willing to be set up, I just don't know if I want it to be by my uncle...  

Friday, October 1, 2010


In case you haven't noticed, a large portion of my blog is about Matt Lanter. But is called Brittany's Musings and many of my thoughts are about Matt Lanter. Yes, I am a Mattaholic and proud to be one. There are a number of reasons why I love Matt Lanter. The list could go on and on, but really it's hard to put into words what it is about his guy that makes him so great. If you read any of his interviews or follow him on twitter (@MattLanter) I think you could get what I mean. He's just a really great guy, and funny. Matt makes me really just want to hang out with him. I think he's such a cool, down to earth guy. I just want to be friends with him. He is the type of guy that every girl is looking to marry. I hope to someday find my own Matt Lanter...that is if I can't have the real