Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy 9.02.10 Day!

Today is a pretty special day, it's September 2, 2010 or 9-02-10 or 90210. Yes, today's date shares its numbers with a famous zip code in a little town called Beverly Hills. When the original Beverly Hills 90210 came out, I wasn't really into it. When the second generation of show came into existence I became a fan of it; okay so it wasn't until the end of the first season did I really get into it. I swear it had nothing to do with the introduction of Liam Court. It is the show that produced "teenage" heartthrobs such as Dylan McKay (Luke Perry) and Brandon Walsh (Jason Priestly) and continues to give us heartthrobs with its new generation like Liam Court (Matt Lanter) and Navid (Michael Steger). The shows have definitely had their share of love and drama, but it's what keeps us watching. Who's your favorite Beverly Hills Hottie????

Personally, I've got to go with Liam. Not just because I'm a huge Matt Lanter fan. Liam is the lovable, complicated, bad-boy, with a heart of gold deep down. He just needs someone to break down some of the walls he has built.

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