Saturday, June 4, 2011

Which Pretty Little Liars' Guy Should You Date?

I took the a quiz on Seventeen Magazine's website to see which guy from PLL was my match and to say the least I am pleased with my results.  And I can say that I answered all the questions honestly and it was exactly who I was hoping for...Take the quiz to see which guy from PLL you should date and see if you agree with the results

You can’t possibly resist Caleb’s hotness!
Keeping secrets? Sneaking around? Extreme lows but amazing highs? Don’t even pretend you aren’t crazy about a love that can be a little…crazy. In addition to his attractive face, Caleb’s got incredible shoulders—to lean on, we mean. When you feel like nobody understands you, he’s the one who just gets it without you having to say much at all. If he ever hurt you, he’d do whatever it took to win you back. He can act like a tough guy all he wants, but we know he’s a hopeless romantic at heart. 

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