Sunday, August 29, 2010


Matt posted this picture a while back and I tweeted about it. I still really like this image and so I thought I share it here too.

Earlier I saw post this They say a picture can say a thousand words. This one stayed w/me & made me think. It's such a simple pic, but it could be interpreted to say so much. What I see is SALVATION lit up against red. And the ultimate form of salvation comes from the shedding of blood. I really read deep into the pic, but it's all in how you interpret things...

And crazily enough Matt read the tweet and responded. I wasn't even trying to get his attention. The picture just really stayed in my mind and I was trying to figure out why. Then it hit me and wanted to tweet about what I thought about it. Never did I think he would read it.

On a side note, the more that I have looked at this picture, the deeper the meaning I have gotten from it. One being that Christ is the light of the world and is the ultimate form of Salvation thus it the word SALVATION is lit up. It was through the shedding of His blood that we can be saved, thus the read.
It's the meaning that makes this picture so cool I think, at least to me.

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