Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Picture Perfect

There is just some pictures that you are drawn to. It says a lot about the photographer and the model. When I saw this picture I was instantly taken by it.  Automatically you are drawn to the face, clearly the focal point of the picture.  It's not because it is Matt Lanter either.  The contrast between light and dark really makes the object in the foreground pops out from the background.  The expression on the model's face is deep.  It makes you stop wonder what he is thinking. It's almost as if you can look into his eyes and see his soul.  The way the light highlights the top of his hair makes the picture interesting.  That's just it, it's a simple picture yet is so interesting and expresses so much.  This is an incredible piece of art, regardless of who the model is. Elias Tahan is simply brilliant with his ability to create art like this. The fact the the piece the photo as a whole speaks louder than the model reflects this man's talent.  I really love this photograph.  It's pure genius.

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